Summer Math Fun!


Just because it’s summer does not mean Middle Schoolers can’t keep up their Math skills! To feel successful returning in the Fall (and be eligible for FREE DRESS on Friday, September 7), here are some options for you whether you will be just entering into 6th grade, or will be the leaders of the school in 8th grade!
Each grade has a summer program created to help them practice skills 3 times a week.  Don’t worry if you go on vacation and miss a week, skills are reviewed more than once!

Summer Solutions Workbook
Workbooks are a great way to keep your math skills fresh.  This workbook has a help section and the answers in the back.
(Be aware – some students who have a challenging time with math do not like that each page covers a variety of topics. They may prefer a different workbook where each page is dedicated to a topic, such a dividing fractions)

*6th graders entering 7th grade only*
All 6th graders were given a gift by me – a workbook with a schedule attached! This is one more option for you!  Lost the schedule – here it is again!

UnBlock Me!
Slice It!

Websites  Practice basic math facts daily. Thousands of really fun math games! more fun games!  This site helps families enjoy math outside of school through fun and engaging challenges.
Houghton Mifflin
Parent and student resources can be found at this website
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives   Lots of activities designed for virtual ‘hands on’ learning.

Just plain ol’ fun!
Baking Fractions are everywhere when you are baking! Take a recipe for cookies and halve it, double it or make 1.5 times the original amount.
Make a Game Get creative and make up a game for your whole family to play!
Clean your room Time how fast you can clean your room (Parents – you’re welcome!)

Board Games
Rush Hour
Game of Life